Beer Pong is one of the MOST Famous Drinking Game in the World. Recently, this game has been one of the magnitudes of Beer Enthusiast to come to Sports Bar or Lounge that provide the equipment for this game.

Indonesia Pong is the ONLY association in Indonesia that has recognition WORLDWIDE for Beer Pong and Pong Sport. Indonesia Pong has international AFFILIATION with Philippine Pong, Philippine Beer Pong, Beer Pong Chile, Beer Pong Peru, Beer Pong South America and Beer Pong World under World Pong Alliance (WPA) group and also participated in BPONG.COM (USA), BPONG.AT (Europe), PongConnect (Hong Kong, Singapore), Playpong (Malaysia) and One World One Pong (Hong Kong and Japan) events.

Since established in 2024, Indonesia Pong have conducted and supported more than 500+ domestic and international tournaments.